The Music Maker

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

International Rude Hair Day

well today is International Rude Hair Day. Alice and Naomi decided to make it up. I'm not really sure where they make these things up from. But we're all silly enough to join in.

well here i am again in the staff room
i think i look like a skunk

claire in pigtails with blue hair spray

pigtails were in this year at the day as leroy displays her wacky hair too!

al and johnno share a photo - yes alice is wearing pegs and johnno has a shower cap on

this is al after she took the pegs out. looks like she has pauline's perm. it's so full of life!


  • Wanting some excitement
    Craving the unknown
    Temptation is at every door
    When door knocking on your own

    Scared of the rejection
    Frightened of the past
    Sure that whatever you might find
    Cannot, willnot last...

    Yearning to be intimate
    Cuddles, kisses, love
    Someone there to partner you
    Conversations, Fun and trust

    Can we ever find this
    Or will I live with pieces...
    Will we find the real thing
    Or will it just be teasers....

    By Blogger ghostindrag, at 7:09 AM  

  • i think it definitely has to be found inside you first. and if you are being the most fantastic person that you can possibly be it will all follow. cause everyone will love you for being you and you will attract the people you need to :)

    By Blogger carls, at 12:20 AM  

  • i disagree....
    the poem was for you...
    for the site you wrote....

    I dont think you have to BE anything or GET anywhere for pple to love you.. i thnk it is something that happens.. or you find.. there is no perfect time to find it Carls....
    Carly.. it could be today:P

    My poem wasnt a feeling sorry for myself vent...
    I was thnking in verse..
    I love you

    By Blogger ghostindrag, at 2:30 AM  

  • sorry...thanks for explaining :)
    i know, i think i'm just sick of those dreams and i was having a feeling sorry for myself day.
    and i'm clear i'm open to the possibilty of it happening today :) bring it on.
    love you heaps and thanks ang

    By Blogger carls, at 4:58 PM  

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