The Music Maker

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


first of all, i think that if you are a friend... like you said you were, you would have the god damn balls to ring me and ask me for the money to get your carpets cleaned. not go through the back way to prove a bloody point. i am disappointed in you.

i would have paid the whole $25. seen as how we are being nasty about it, i will go 5ths with the other people that have lived in your home and/or have left dog hair there. just keeping it factual and telling the truth.

however, i would hope that you could still ring me and we can be civilised and friendly about this. speak to you soon dear.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

for the meeka girls


i know you girls will appreciate this

want more grunt?
root a pig!
love ya and stuff!

Saturday, March 17, 2007


A - Age: 25 and getting older :(
B - Best Friend: ang, liz and sares
B- Bad Habit: burping... i blame claire for this and take no responsibility

C - Car: commodore atm>
C - Cat: no thank u
D - Dead Pets Name: Mandy & Dusty
D - Desk Top Picture: a classic pic of johnno & ads, they're like chalk & cheese...well it makes me laugh!
D - Dog: Bailey
E - Easiest person to talk to: al

E - Eggs: sometimes
E - E-mail: all the time...
F - Favorite color: green or orange
F - Food: pad thai
F - favorite number: 7
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: worms
G - Good Times: bring them on!
H - Hair Color: plan ol' brown atm
H - Height: i have no idea.... i'm more than a metre tho

H - Happy: 99.9% of the time, well i try heh
I - Ice Cream: cookies & cream!
I - In school: it's my life
I - Innie or Outie?: Innie
J - Jewelry: silver, i'm waiting til im married to convert to gold
J - Job: teacher

J - Joke: Why did the cow jump over the moon? coz the farmer had cold hands
K - Kids: yes, one day
K - Karate: chop chop
K- Krispy Kremes: ok...
L - Longest Car Ride: to meeka
L - Last phone call: to mummy dearest
L - Love: spread it around

M - Milk: well it makes me sneeze
M - Movie Last watched: notting hill (chicks nite)
N - Number of Siblings: 1 sister & 1 brother
N - Name: sarah & sam
O - One Phobia: deep swimming pools
O - Open About Yourself? more than ever
O - Olives: bit salty for me
P - Parents, married or divorced: divorced
P - Party last attended: my 25th
>> >>P - Popcorn: uh huh

Q - Quick or Slow: what? :P
Q - Do you know who Quail Man is? def no
>>R - Reality TV Shows: yes i am over them too

R - Right or Left: right
R - Right now: listening to run to paradise
R - Rap or Rock?: rock! no rap crap thanks
S - Song Last Heard: see above
S - Season: winter in perth and summer in meeka
S - Favorite Superhero: come on, we all know it's wonder woman
S - Sunday: putting off school work
T - Time you woke up: 6.00am :S
T - Time Now: 10:45pm
T - Time for bed: soonish, this nanna is up late heh
U - You are: relaxed
V - Voice: yeee har!
V- Vacation: i would love one of those
W- Where are you going to travel next? europe in 2030
W- Where were you born? modbury
X - X-Rays: on my knees
Z - Zoo Animal: elephants
Z- Zodiac: pisces

psst... loved your answers liz eheh

Monday, March 12, 2007

the hills are alive!!

heeh im going to visit the von trapp family in austria :P

not a lot is going on at the moment... pretty busy tho

liz is moving in soon which will be great. the 3 of us won't be far away at all! and starting SELP in a couple of weeks.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

c party

i want to say thank you to everyone who came to my "c" party last saturday night. because of you i had a blast!!! Here is a rundown of the costumes! (photos will come soon - fingers crossed)

* i was a cowgirl
* liz - countess
* ang - kitty cat
* matt - a chick
* sares - cheerleader
* nat - crocodile
* jamie - card player
* dad - con the fruit man with his potato
* chris - carmen
* tricia - carnations
* sam - cricketer
* lisa - collingwood supporter (i was drunk and told her to get outta my house :P heeh)

and i think that was it. claire came as claire *tsk tsk*. a bit disappointed bear!

but the man thing is i enjoyed every bloody moment of it. even hiding under my bed and wardrobe :P sorry guys