The Music Maker

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

lah dee dah dee dah

well i'm back in meeka and i'm freakin exhausted and sick! but it's good to be back and i'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed. and it is very warm here, loving it!

even though i went to adelaide for a sad reason, it was the best time remembering my Nanna. She would be proud of us! heh :P and call me a hopeless romantic, but now she can be with her love, Fred... awwww

i also got to see ang and bhodi which was awesome!

speak soon guys... sat week in fact! (yes i am !!!!! happy today)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Beanie Buddies

this week is croc fest week - a bit like rock eisteddfod but for country kids, was pretty cool. last night there were fire works and i hung out with my beanie buddies simon and ez, plus quiche lorrae and jo (hi, my name's jo and i work in a button factory)

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

life is a party

ez and i are the proud owners of some very funky hats made by a student. it was really sad, we wore them all afternoon. the things you do for kids.

i'll be down in perth tomorrow afternoon, i don't have much time but maybe i can catch up with you fantastic people. speak soon! sayonara :P

Monday, August 21, 2006

God Bless You

Nanna, you died this morning. I'm glad that you can now rest in peace. I love you so much and thank you for your love. I'll miss you and hope to see you in the next life. Goodbye.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

new friends

i thought i would write in orange coz liz loves orange :P

last weekend i was making a jewellery board and i was using super glue. i glued my finger to the material. it was not a smart thing to do.

bailey and rebel had their first play together last night at ez's place. i have never seen bailey so dirty in my life

the boys love their treats!

as soon as we got there they were doing laps and bailey showed who was was boss... that's my puppy!

here is the treat lady

now they are great mates! awwww


Monday, August 14, 2006

you've got farts in your head

don't you love it when you say something out loud and you don't realise what you've said until you've said it. i'll tell you my story.

we were at the pub last night as I was having dinner with some astronomers who are over from Parkes, NSW. We'd had dinner and we (including my stinkin' tart colleagues) were playing pool with ian. now ian reminds me of jake gyllenhal from danny darko. so i started calling him jake. so leroy started singing jake the peg to him...and he started to get a complex about his "3rd leg". yes, you do need to know this part. then later on he was having his shot and said, "i don't think i can pull this shot off"...and right here it comes, i said really loud infront of everyone (including these smart brainy astronomers) "well if you can't pull this off, what can you pull off jake?". oops. clearly i hadn't thought about what that really meant and i was blamed for being dirty and laughed at for ages. it was funny. i started to cry from laughing too much. and if you don't think it's funny, i guess it's a kinda you had to be there story.

you've got farts in your head? funniest line i've ever heard. it's a sad personal connection betty and i share :P

Monday, August 07, 2006

shagger's back

yes, apparently after talking to dr. alice, i have shagger's back. as you can gather i have a very sore back this morning after a little rendezvous in the staff room yesterday at lunch.
i felt like a big hug yesterday so alice said she'd give me one. it was such a big hug i fell back onto the floor, but still on my chair into a bend back with alice still on me. i think i may have done something to my hip as well. man it was funny, but today i feel like an old woman rofl.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

dead mice stink

dead mice stink.... and i can't find the bugger to throw it away! the smell is driving me insane. it could be behind my bookcase, but i am having trouble getting it out. a job for the principal is suspect :P

last night was fun at quiz night...sounds nerdy but who cares. claire and i went into the fairy comp... i had to stand behind her, dress her up as a fairy obviously and put glitter on her face LOL and she had to dance like a fairy. we didn't win but it was worth it. matt and catherine got a place next to us. they won a penis in a banana which matt and lorrae decided to squirt me with later. but don't worry, i got my revenge ahahHAHAHahahah!!!

btw upto 10kg now.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

almost.... but no

so i was enjoying my morning excerise, walking to work. i didn't get there as my pager went off! so i was fully psyched that i was going to get to put a fire out. i rang claire and she picked me up and we were the first at the station waiting for our "cappy". turns out that it was just a drill for the hospital. man! jibbed again...will i ever get to put my skills to use. not that i want a fire instigated, but my time is running up here very quickly.

we're having a busy bee at the station sunday week, and i'm gonna be a "good woman" and i'm gonna make scones :P and then!! we're gonna see if we can get freddy the remote controlled fire truck for our open day. how cool is that!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

4 things about me

Four Things about me
A) Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. School Of The Air Teacher

2. Chicken Treat Checkout Chick!

3. Inserter at The West Australian Newspaper

4. customer service at a deli :P

B) Four movies I would watch over and over
1. Grease

2. The Family Stone

3. SOTA Muster Camp Videos - how embarassing :P

4. still thinking of another one.......

C) Four places I have lived
1. Meekatharra2.

Maitland, SA

3. Adelaide

4. Perth
D) Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. Desperate Housewives

2. Grey's Anatomy

3. Rove

4. McCleod's Daughter (it was so sad when clare died!)

E) Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Singapore

2. Rottnest (hasn't everyone!)

3. Kalbarri

4. Gold Coast with my chollo

F) Websites visited daily:




G) Four of my favourite foods:
1. cookies and cream icecream

2. stir fry

3. pumpkin soup

4. garlic prawns

H) Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Perth

2. Murray River in South Australia

3. travelling Europe

4. playing piano and singing

I) Four people I think will respond
1. not sure....

random thought of the day