The Music Maker

Sunday, July 30, 2006

chocolate fruity ballls.........

well ez and i ended up staying in town this weekend....and because we are doing cooking with the kids at Sports Camp we thought we should take it upon ourselves to try out one of the recipes.

and i have burnt myself twice again this week. i now look like i have been in the sun and have missed patches on my arms and hands. i'm a real catch :P

can't say that much else has happened this week....same old meeka life! oh, i planted petunas yesterday (had a bit of a green thumb). now i'll cross my fingers hoping they won't die... ...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

quote of the day

"i love eating cavier because it's just like little bursts of ocean" by Alice

ez and i were a bit bored at lunch so we decided to take on a new culture sticker style. plus, bring on the mini olympics tonight! go team sota!

Monday, July 24, 2006

stinkin' darts memorabilia

i walked to school this morning in the rain.... it was beautiful.... gotta love the serenity :)

anyhow, below is the one item that every meekatharra chick needs. a stubby holder. but this just aint any stubby holder. it is a special edition "Stinkin' Darts" stubby holder - to only be used when playing darts. and even better! it is personalised with my name on it. do you know how hard it is to get something with my name printed on it?!?? Leroy made them during the holidays - and i must say i have really missed your randomness and cleverness dude. I am proud to say that i am a stinkin' dart from Meeka. Cheers!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

f*#@*! chunts

well back at work again, it's good to be back doing stuff. but i'm not sure if i need to come back down to perth. i dearly hope not as 8 hours is a long drive. all i can say is god damn tenants! but, i should get my new door.... so we'll see i guess

Saturday, July 22, 2006

pool shark

last night claire and i were going off at the pool table last night. the first time i have been sober and been able to play well lol. how sad it that. 5 games in a row! oo yeah. we nearly won the last game, i pulled off a bullshit shot, sunk the 8 ball, but then sunk the white ball. apart from that it was really good eheh. maybe i have found a new talent? :)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


well it's a bit hard to type when u have a baby on your lap striving 4 affection. damn cat... she must think i like her or something. got some good news, and i'm proud of myself, i've now lost 8kg altogether. but when i get back to meeka, i think it's time to step up the pace.

also, i'd like to thank my two best friends for putting up with me the past couple of days... i can see how annoying it must have been and i've had no integrity. punch me next time please. and i'm happy that i got the chance to make a closer friendship with a friend i really do care about. and all 3 of you have helped me realise a few things about myself that aren't necessarily true - i can say is thanks because it is nice and i'm smiling :P

i'm not sure if i'll be able to update my blog when i get back to meeka, i'll have to figure that out. if i can't - i'm hoping to get a wireless connection put on at home and hopefully i can have msn back again too.

well take care guys and i'm gonna miss you all like crazy as normal and i can't wait to see you again. the time won't go quick enough but i'll fill it up with lots of random adventures up here and keep you posted.

love carls

aka wicky wak/miss j/bucket/resident blonde :)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

can you iron lino?

"can you iron lino?" a good friend said to me yesterday. it was so serious but i couldn't stop laughing. Jamie you are a true dag! I'll never forget it and will probably remind you about it next time i see you :P

anyhow, i went to look at my house today. not happy jan. it's not as bad as what i had expected but i am really disappointed. some i'm thinking i might just move in there next hols and save a lot of hassle moving stuff when i finally do come home! yay! i'm so excited. but i think i am ready to go back to work - too many adventures to be had. what can i say, i'm gonna miss the place and some really awesome friends. lol yes i am a bit emotional today *shrugs* lol

sarah sprained her ankle when we played netball last night. i've known someone to be in so much physical pain and can't stop laughing. her ankle looks like a golf ball today rofl. thanks for today liz and ang. you guys are the bestest friends anyone could ask for! mwuah.

oh and justin longmuir did come out yesterday - he must have esp cause he kept bending over rofl i think i'll leave it there cause i'm dribbling now. and that's it... for now...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Cryptic Clue #2

now let's get the rhythm of the lips

oki doki! well today i'm going out to breakfast with liz and i look like a zombie, but that's cool. going out to lunch in freo then going to see my fav footy team. and justin longmuir better get his arse out on the footy field this afternoon or else. he had the game off yesterday, so no excuse! then back home for some netball, bring it on sisters. i think that sometimes, i get a little upset when it comes to sports... ... just maybe a lil'

Thursday, July 13, 2006

what's going on in perth

went shopping for front doors yesterday. that's always exciting - i never new how many different measurements and bits and bops there were when organising to get one put on. and my tenants should be out of my house very soon. yay!
tomorrow nikki is getting married and i finally get to meet luke. i can't wait. thanks for shopping yesterday liz. i was only hoping to get one top - but now i have 2 tops, jewellery and shoes lol

to my best friends, you know the conversation i am resisting and i know i am too. if i can keep putting it off i will and i know it aint working for me. just scared i suppose. well this is what i wrote the other night.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I am clear that i need to lose weight for my own health - and i think i'm doing a good job keeping to it this time. but i'm also clear that i want to lose it for a different reason. same old same old, if i can look good someone might love me (but it's the inside that counts right, i know i know but i don't really know do i).

the same story runs through my head (and boy is it a dumb story - the gayest of all) that no-one would want to be with me because of how i have been in the past. and this is my way of punishing myself at thinking i can be happy too. i was a bitch to shaun towards the end because i thought "he didn't really want me" and i felt like a dirty ho for sleeping with nick because why was i so stupid to have not seen the obvious signs that he wasn't reall interested and how could someone be so cruel as to spread rumours around a small town. it was all a joke and talked about all over town. where was my god damn intuition then huh? or am i being too hard on myself. why can't i move past this and be happy and accept that i could find someone in the near foreseeble future. do i want it so much that i'm not willing to step forward and move on. I DON'T KNOW! and i'm sick of it. so guys, that's my racket for tonight and you probably already knew anyhow. told you it was a gay story :P but even though i seem to enjoy rewriting it everyday, it's getting kinda boring.

Monday, July 10, 2006

i carry your heart with me

i carry your heart with me
i carry it inmy heart
i am never without it
anywherei go you go,my dear
and whatever is doneby only me is your doing,my darling
i fear no fate, for you are my fate,my sweet
i want no world for beautiful you are my world,my true
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life
which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart i carry your heart
i carry it in my heart
(ee cummings)

i loved this poem the first time i heard it. and i know i heard it on a movie but i don't care. it's about sisters and i think it's so gorgeous it made me cry. cause it is how i feel about my sister - and always will.

anyhow, yesterday i went to my first dockers training session. yes! but longmuir didn't come out so i was a bit upset. i will try again next week. and thanks liz for sitting through something you think is boring :) i also found out that longmuir got married in december last year. my life is over! ha ha ha.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.....start again!

yesterday i put into practise that you can learn something new everyday. usually music teachers can only count up to up to four. for example 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 . ok ok, it wasn't really that funny. but a few of us helped out doing stocktake for farmer jacks. i never want to count again but it was in good company. stella and claire both dropped shampoo all over the floor, and poor mark (irish) had the cool job of mopping it up.
tonight ez is having a roast at her house. i'm bringing veggies and all the "cool" farmer jacks people are coming too. i don't know who the "cool" ones are but we'll soon find out.

Saturday, July 01, 2006


i'm coming home for the hols! YES!

i'll be cutting across to geraldton on wednesday to be at junior camp. then myself and the girls are gonna do a bit of shopping, socialising and relaxing before we travel back down. so i'll be coming back on sunday the 9th. look forward to seeing you all then!

mwa xxx